Put simply, Actual Cash is cash you have deposited, or won* while Bonus Cash is cash you have won by chance or as a promotion.
You can Cash Out your Actual Cash to Paypal at any time, but that doesn't include Bonus Cash, which cannot be withdrawn.
Bonus Cash is any prize cash won from the Leaderboard Consolation Prizes, as well as extras for when you make a Cash Deposit. Also any tournament entered using hands will win you Bonus Cash, and when you win a tournament that you paid for using Bonus Cash, you first earn back that amount of Bonus Cash, before getting Actual Cash.
So what can you use Bonus Cash for, if it can't be cashed out?
- The Tournament Entry Fees. Which means, you use Bonus Cash to buy in and anything you win in the VIP Tournament beyond the Bonus Cash you put in, is converted to Actual Cash.
* What Winnings become Actual Cash?
- Any cash that you've deposited is part of your Actual Cash Wallet.
- Any cash you win in Tournaments using Actual Cash pays out in Actual Cash.
- Any cash you win in Tournaments exceeding the amount of Bonus Cash put in is also Actual Cash.